Queer Action Coalition

Thursday, June 30, 2005

John Smid Speaks Out on QAC's Offer

Thank you all for the letters of support and for e-mailing John Smid and Tommy Corman.
We have recieved a response to the inquiry abour our offer from Love In Action.

A supporter inquiring when LIA would accept our offer recieved the following response from John Smid:

"At Love In Action, we offer a conservative Christian viewpoint in which we believe that homosexual sex and romantic relationships are against scripture. Based upon the convictions of the parents who enroll their kids in our program, we offer them what they are seeking. The parent's guardianship is in place and we cooperate with them to bring their children what they are looking for.

There are other places where a young person can look in to other viewpoints.
As a matter of fact, I am sure they have already done that before coming here. I am quite certain that if a young man were to go to a QAC meeting no one there would suggest he look in to living a life free of homosexual relationships and to consider the possibility of healthy singleness or
(Emphasis ours.)

John J. Smid"

We thank John for his response, but have to wonder why our inquiries are ingnored while others get answered in haste. Perhaps because we're too old for Refuge?

A few questions I suggest e-mailing John about:

1. How does John know what a QAC meeting is like?
2. Why does he only reffer to young men when talking about this issue when his program also purports to "treat" women?
3. How is the testimony of John Paulk former leader of Exodus who was caught in a gay bar by Wayne Besen beneficial to the cause of Love in Action?
4. According to this page
There is no such thing as a homosexual! There are many individuals, however, who struggle intensely with homosexual temptation and addictive behavior. Once we get the message right, then we will be effective in ministering to those caught in this kind of deceptive bondage.
What is John's attitude towards those people that are engaging in homosexual behaviors but are content with their actions and are not struggling with "temptation and addictive behavior?"
5. Why does Love in Action continue to treat youth as beings competent and knowledgable enough to hear their message of shame and sin, but not competent enough to choose not to be in the program?

If you have any other questions you'd like to ask John make sure to also send a copy to fighting.homophobia@gmail.com.

Monday, June 27, 2005

QAC Offers LIA Workshops to "Show the Other Side"

During todays rally at Love In Action headquarters Tommy Corman (read his testimony here), Development Director at LIA extended a hand of friendship to Queer Action Coalition. Our offers of dialog with John Smid were not repulsed and Tommy also stated on camera that LIA's Refuge program was created to "help children and their parents see another side of homosexuality" this and John Smid's statement that Love in Action "[has] nothing to hide" led us to offer the following:

* QAC will host a workshop for the youth going through the Refuge program so that they can get to know queer youth like themselves and have the ability to make informed choices.

If you would like to see this happen send an e-mail of support to Tommy at info@loveinaction.org or give them a call at (901)-751-2468. We hope that Love in Action accepts our offer.


DCS Finds Allegations of Child Abuse Unfounded

Tenn. ends investigation of ex-gay camp for teens
Dept. of Children's Services says child abuse allegations 'unfounded'
MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) | Jun 27, 9:39 PM

Tennessee said Monday it has found no evidence to support child abuse allegations against a Christian group that works with gay teenagers.

John Smid of Love In Action teaches gay teens not to act on their gay sexual desires. The country's leading psychological and psychiatric associations have stated that such therapy can be emotionally harmful.
The group, Love In Action International, believes instilling strong Christian beliefs can keep gays from acting on their gay sexual desires.

The group, which also works with adults, has a program called Refuge for teens 15 to 18 years old.

The state Department of Children's Services said last week that it was looking into a report of child abuse at the Refuge program. The program drew protests earlier this month from gay advocacy groups.

Read more here: Southern Voice

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THANKS TO PETERSON TOSCANO for coming to Memphis this weekend and performing his show. It was an incredible experience, to say the least. His show is amazing, and he had so many great things to share with us. CHECK OUT HIS VERSION OF THE MEMPHIS EXPERIENCE HERE.

Today's protest/rally was really good. Peterson came out in support, and the former PFLAG National President, Dr. Arnold Drake, now with the local PFLAG Chapter, came to show support as well. We had a short dialogue with Tommy Corman, LIA's Development Director who we've communicated several times previously with. We brought up the idea of holding a formal dialogue between LIA, QAC, PFLAG, licensed therapists, supportive churches, etc. Tommy seemed to be open to the idea, which would be a wonderful opportunity.

Just for everyone's "right to know", please check out THIS WEBSITE so you can see where LIA gets some of the vital statistics they use on the OFFICIAL REFUGE PAGE to help show why the "homosexual lifestyle" isn't healthy. If you scroll down this page you'll see quotes such as:
"Homosexuals By Their Lack Of Responsibility Have Started Numerous Epidemics Recently.
A Question? Are You, The Homosexuals of This Country, Stupid? Are You Trying To Kill Everybody!"
"Medical research now shows that homosexuality and gender identity disorder may be caused by SOY TOXINS and environmental poisons! Are you choosing your child's sexuality for him/her? "


QAC Rally Today

QAC Rally at LIA Headquarters

What: Queer Action Coalition Rally at Love in Action Head Quarters
When: 4:30-5:30pm Monday June 27th,2005
What you can do: Attend the rally and/or publicize this event to your friends and family and get in touch with your local politician.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

Major QAC Online Update

Take a look at qaconline.org for major updates in the Media Section. New media includes LIA rules, press coverage from across the world and new Love In Action documents.

Saturday, June 25, 2005

QAC Rally Flyer

A flyer for Monday's Rally is available for download here: QAC FLYERS. Please download and distribute to every interested person. Ask to put them up in your local coffee shop, announce this at your place of worship, give it to your family etc.

Love In Action Story Picked Up by Associated Press

The story of LIA's Refuge conversion therapy program is now being run by the Associated Press this means that it will be an item in most newspapers today or tomorrow. Hope you read it in your neck of the woods and send us a comment telling us where it was featured. Email us at fighting.homophobia@gmail.com you can also e-mail through this page:CONTACT QAC

Now that this is national main stream news it is doubly important that Memphians send a clear message: we will not support the actions of Love In Action. Read the next post down for information about the QAC Rally on Monday at Love in Action's headquarters.

Thursday, June 23, 2005

QAC Rally at LIA Headquarters

What: Queer Action Coalition Rally at Love in Action Head Quarters
When: 4:30-5:30pm Monday June 27th,2005
What you can do: Attend the rally and/or publicize this event to your friends and family and get in touch with your local politician here.

Queer Action Coalition invites all interested members of the public to show their support for the youth going through the Love In Action program Refuge. Refuge is a program that aims to change the sexual orientation of youth and adults through "Bible based reparative therapy". Come and show your support on Monday for open and honest dialog and for all people affected by this issue.

This rally will be fun. We also encourage all those that couldn't make it to the previous rallies to come to this one. The more people the stronger the message.

Check back tomorrow for a downloadable flyer.

4780 Yale Road, Memphis, Tennessee, 1.5 miles north of I-40 on Austin Peay Hwy

Click here for directions.
See you there!

State of Tennessee Investigates LIA

QAC thanks the Washington Blade for an excellent article about LIA. Check these links for further developments-full story will be in Washington Blade tomorrow.

Washington Blade

This Article

Tenn. investigates ex-gay camp
Teen's blog leads to outcry, charges of abuse at unlicensed facility
By EARTHA MELZER | Jun 23, 1:53 PM

The state of Tennessee has begun an investigation in response to allegations of child abuse at Love in Action, a Memphis facility that advertises homosexual conversion therapy for adolescents, according to the state department of health.

K. Daniele Edwards, a spokesperson for Child Services at the Tennessee Department of Health, confirmed an investigation is underway but declined to comment on the details. She noted that she presumes the Love in Action program would require licensing by the state.

Gay activists protested outside an unlicensed 'ex-gay' facility run by Love In Action, which Tennessee officials are investigating to see if teens are being mistreated.

Read More Here

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

QAC Now Accepting Donations

  • Queer Action Coalition is currently accepting donations to help offset the cost of running the organization. Many people have volunteered countless hours of their time to make QAC a reality and much more remains to be done. Please take a moment to make a PayPal donation. These donations are secure, safe and verified. All monies will be used only for Queer Action Coaltion to promote workshops, collect and distribute information and to create a library of information about the Ex-Gay movement at the MGLCC.

    Those wishing to donate: QAC is not a registered nonprofit or 501(c)3. These donations are not tax deductible.

    Tuesday, June 21, 2005


    Queer Action Colation Announces New Website

    Thanks to generous donations of server space and design help from Queerplanet.com.au and QP webmaster and star designer Andrew Stopps. QAC now has its own website available at http://www.qaconline.org.

    Take a look at these articles:

    Margaret Cho Letters and Articles



    New Article- very well researched


    Older Article

    Monday, June 20, 2005

    QAC Message to Friends and Allies

    MGLCC-892 S. Cooper
    The MGLCC ( www.mglcc.org ) will host the QAC (http://fightinghomophobia.blogspot.com/ ), and the community to speak about the recent protests,talk about further events, as well as to discuss an agenda for the future of educating the public and further actions.

    FRIDAY JUNE 24TH 8pm, and SATURDAY JUNE 25TH 8pm
    @ The MeDiA Co-op 1000 S. Cooper Memphis, TN http://www.mediaco-op.org

    PETERSON TOSCANO ( http://www.a_musing.blogspot.com/ ), a former Love in Action client, will be coming to Memphis to perform his one-person play, "Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House".


    See for yourself what happens behind the doors of America's zaniest ex-gay residential program! Through five characters Toscano takes you on a tour of the Homo No Mo Halfway House, a 12-Step Christian program that attempts to save men from the snares of homosexuality through bizarre rules, a masculine resuscitation regime and brain numbing reconditioning. Based on Toscano's real life experience floundering in various Ex-gay ministries, he weaves together humor, program jargon and outrageous eyewitness accounts to form a piece that is hilarious, poignant and inspirational.

    "The play is intelligently written, hysterical at times, poignant, and most of all, deeply spiritual because of its underlying themes of self-examination and self acceptance...Toscano's acting skills as well as the format of the piece recall the one-woman shows of Lily Tomlin and Whoopi Goldberg whose character studies unearth the neurotic complications in all of us."
    -John W. Sykes, in newsweekly

    SATURDAY JUNE 25TH @ 4pm
    Perterson also will be doing "Talking Trash in the Homo No Mo' Halfway House --Language, Life and Lies in the Ex-Gay Movement", a more lecture-stylized piece.

    For more info http://www.homonomo.com/ http://www.mediaco-op.org

    Friday, June 17, 2005

    QAC Update

    QAC would like to announce that we are very pleased with the way this morning's rally went. We got to show support for those people in the program and a chance to get out our message of respect for those people involved in LIA and the rallies outside. For now we are not planning any more support rallies. We've managed to have a very positive relationship with the police, LIA, and the media. We ask all those interested to keep up this same level of respect in any dealings with any one who is connected to this story.
    Please come to our events such as Peterson Toscano's performance at the Media Co-op.

    Also, if you are just looking at this story, please note that QAC is unaffiliated with any media outlet or web page that you may see. All official news about our actions will be diligently updated on our blog. Thank all of you for your support. Check back soon for more information on what we're doing.


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    THE LAST DAY OF OFFICIAL PROTESTS infront of LIA were a success.

    It's been incredible to see people coming out everyday, as we have all been a part of a huge effort among so many people who have been fighting really hard to expose the practices of LIA and show support for people being driven to this place day after day that might not otherwise know that they have other options. All of the energy, time and dedciation from teens, parents, former LIA clients, professors, psychologists, bloggers, etc...has been incredible. Now the challenge is, can we continue to remember that this is not a one-situation, one-person, one-protest issue? Let's keep the awareness and continue to provide "TRUE LOVE IN ACTION".....


    The MGLCC will host the QAC, and the community to speak about the recent protests, and talk about further events, as well as an adgenda for the future of educating the public, and taking action when action is callled upon.

    FRIDAY JUNE 24TH 8pm, and SATURDAY JUNE 25TH 8pm
    @ The MeDiA Co-op 1000 S. Cooper Memphis, TN

    PETERSON TOSCANO, a former Love in Action client, will be coming to Memphis to perform his one-person play, "Doin' Time in the Homo No Mo Halfway House". THIS IS NOT TO BE MISSED...PLEASE HELP SPREAD THE WORD!!!

    SATURDAY JUNE 25TH @ 4pm
    Perterson also will be doing "Talking Trash in the Homo No Mo' Halfway House --Language, Life and Lies in the Ex-Gay Movement", a more Lecture-stylized piece.


    Thursday, June 16, 2005

    QAC Media Update

    Thanks to all of you that came out and to all of you that are watching this story unfold from around the country and around the globe. Several members of QAC were interviewed today by local news media. In order to view many of these stories you will have to have pop-ups enabled.

    WMC 5 Viewer Comments (many about the Scared Straight story)

    WMC 5 "Gays in the Church"
    This is a story about the archdiocese of Central Tennessee discussing the Catholic view of homosexuals.

    Scared Straight: George Brown

    A story was also done by Memphis Fox 13 but their site does not feature a copy of the story.

    The Commercial Appeal will be running a story soon and also take a look at this week's Memphis Flyer.

    For those of you outside of Memphis that are hearing about/reading/seeing media around this issue please send us a link or some other format to fighting.homophobia@gmail.com.

    Finally, all comments will be disabled on this site from now on. Please post letters of support and anything else you'd like to say to the QAC Forum.


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    Alot of people turned up today to demonstrate infront of Love In Action. Very polite police officers arrived around 9:00am and joked around with us. They left. Around 10:00AM the media begins to flood the action and we get high energy, chanting "this is what love in action looks like". They start instantly grabbing everyone for interviews, and we hand them QAC press packets including handouts from organizations like the APA, and a history of EX-GAY organizations. Then our friend, Tommy from LIA comes out and informs the press they should be getting inside, and they do so.

    The press conference was closed to the public, you had to either be a "friend of LIA, or from the PRESS". EJ, and Brett both got inside, and we will be posting a fully uneditted mp3 of the press conference later today, as well as pictures. Be on the look out for major news coverage on every station, as well as print tomorrow in the CA, and the Flyer next week. I'm not sure how the press is going to turn out, as we all know, these folks are trained to do these sort of things and back up their reasoning without having a spot left to shine, so it's hard to tell what the media will do with everything they've shot today. More soon.

    PLEASE COME OUT TOMORROW-8:30-the last official day of protest.

    QAC Press Release

    QAC Press Release for Rally on June 16th, 2005

    Available for download here: PDF ---- MS Word

    See you at the rally.

    Wednesday, June 15, 2005


    WE HAVE A VERY IMPORTANT REQUEST FOR ALL OF MEMPHIS. Tomorrow morning, Thursday June 16th, please spread the word and attend the protest in front of Love In Action, 4780 Yale Rd. Memphis, TN at 8:30 Am.

    Love In Action has called a press conference for 11:00am, and we need to be out there all morning showing our biggest display of TRUE LOVE IN ACTION.

    IMPORTANT…since the press will be there, we’ll have to also answer questions before and/or after the press conference. WE NEED ANY FORMER “LOVE IN ACTION” CLIENTS, AND LICENSED THERAPISTS who would be willing to talk to the media. If you have more information for us or send us an AIM at: QACMemphis. Only IM us if you have information. If you want to send a letter of support e-mail us at fighting.homophobia@gmail.com or visit the QAC forum at http://groups-beta.google.com/group/Fighting-Homophobia.

    We ask that everyone all help spread the word about this protest and help make this the largest show of support possible. We encourage everyone to visit fightinghomophobia.blogspot.com for links to get more information about Love in Action, and organizations that work to expose the practices of the Ex-Gay movement. It is very important that we are all very knowledgeable about the practices of these organizations, so that we understand how to speak out against and further educate people about the stance we take in regard to what they’re doing.

    It is also very important that all messages, and signs are positive, and supportive.


    LIA on WMCTV.com

    An interview with John Smid and Brandon Tidwell, a participant of LIA, who has now rejected their teachings.
    Go here and click on "Sacred Straight: George Brown".

    QAC thanks Brandon for having the courage to speak out about his experiences.

    Inside "Love in Action"
    Jun 14, 2005, 10:57 PM Brandon Tidwell lives his life as an openly gay man but years ago he wasn't as proud so he turned to Love In Action in hopes it would change his life...and it did, "They're representing the radical extreme element of evangelical faith." Tidwell says he soon realized the Love in Action program wasn't working for him, "There were rules, intimidation techniques, manipulation and poor counseling or inappropriate counseling techniques used to continue to shame and guilt and manipulate people." Program director John Smid disagrees, "People come out of being here stronger, better, more authentic, more real, more honest and more potentially able to lead a positive life than when they came." Smid says his program which is based in Memphis and currently has 19 members doesn't dispute some people are born gay instead it teaches not to act on those feelings, "It is a form of re-thinking, it is a form of therapeutic principals to help us think differently so that we respond differently with the choices we have." Tidwell, "What it leads to is self hatred and denial." Love in Action has graduates who say the program benefited them and changed the way they feel...Tidwell isn't one of them, "I didn't shift my theology so I could be gay. being gay helped me to look at my theology though a whole new lense and see Christ through an embracing point of view rather than one through condemnation." John Smid said he wants people to know the program is voluntary. The teens that take part are often sent by their parents but he says they can leave on their own and if the resist the program they are asked to leave.
    from WMAC Action News Page

    Tuesday, June 14, 2005

    LIA in the News

    QAC thanks Wendi C. Thomas for her well reasoned and impassioned article about LIA in today's Commerical Appeal. If you've only seen the print version also look at the on-line only article about a former Love in Action participant and his acceptance of himself and his religion.

    Article about Love in Action:

    Both are in PDF format and a link to the on-line section follows the pdf link

    Article 1: PDF --- On-Line

    Article 2: PDF --- On-Line

    Finally, QAC was interviewed to day by Michigan's Pride Source newspaper. Check them out here, and come back next Wednesday for the article.

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    We will also use those days to get people to sign up, volunteer to help spread word, and educate the public about LIA and their practices, as well as other issues. So many people are doing so much already, so let's keep it up and not let it die, that's how we'll really get some things accomplished.

    We will soon have interviews with three former Love In Action clients based in Memphis posted here, as well as more information on tactics that will be helpful in raising awareness and most effectively accomplishing the goals at hand, not only with LIA, but also in relation to the greater climate from which Love In Action operates.

    Monday, June 13, 2005


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    The largest crowd yet showed at LIA today, including a couple of Psychiatrists, and a former LIA client, who both spoke out against the practices of "Love in Action".

    We will split up the protest tomorrow to infront and on the side of LIA. Because of the growing number of people attending, we want to cover both entrances. 8:30 is still the time to be there.

    EJ has been at work digging up the source of the now infamous John Smid suicide quote, which has now been confirmed in its point of origin through help from Mike Ditto of JANUS ONLINE

    Former clients of LIA seem to believe that even though Smid, Exec Director of LIA, hasn't confirmed this exact quote, that the underlying mentality of this quote isn't suprising.

    If you want to know what the Bible says, or does not say about homosexuality, DOWNLOAD THIS BOOK FOR FREE

    Sunday, June 12, 2005


    Some protestors will be there as early as 7:30am, hope you can be there.

    Author, Wayne Besen of the book "Anything But Straight" has an incredible overview of the history of the Ex-Gay movement, please goto his site and read all of this valuable information to understand more about what's gone on with the hostory of these places, and the fight against them.


    Saturday, June 11, 2005

    PRIDE Memphis

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    QAC At Pride

    More Pride Photos.

    QAC spoke today at Memphis Pride. Check out the pictures in our photo album. Our speech gave a brief description of the history of the ex-gay movement and our group.

    Our speech covered the following:

    o Our Future

    1. We are seeking to gain support from organizations local and national such as faith groups and coalitions of faith organization, politicians, political organizations in order to help educate more people about the existence of ex-gay organizations such as LIA, Exodus, etc.
    Speaker’s Bureau
    We are creating a speaker's bureau that groups can call on for a presentation about our group and the ex-gay movement as well as what actions they can take to create change.

    § We are not only centered on this issue but will also be using our resources to address other instances of institutional homophobia
    Many people have been asking how they can turn their anger/dismay into something positive and constructive. Here's----

    What you can do:
    o We will have a downloadable flyer online about what is going on tomorrow--download and bring to your church/coffee shop/mom and discuss
    o Post links to our blog on websites or email lists
    o Inform us of any churches or other groups that would like us to come speak or would like a packet of resources about this organization and others like it
    o Spread our contact information
    o Email us!! We have gotten tons of supporting e-mails from Colorado, California and other places that are very far from Memphis and we have been able to respond to most of them. Your words of advice help us keep going. Our e-mail is fighting.homophobia@gmail.com.


    Check the Commercial Appeal on Tuesday for Wendy Thomas' opinion collumn on LIA.
    News Channel 5 will air a piece tonight on PRIDE DAY-Memphis, no idea what the story is about.

    HERE'S A LINK TO A LIST OF GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS, REP's, and the like, compiled by Ej from CherryBloss.org

    Email these people with your thoughts, encourage them to support people being harmed by the ideologies of instatutions such as LIA. Let them know what's going on, and ask them to get involved.

    We also have a list of churches that we'll soon post on here, with their contacts/stances on homosexuality, as it is apart of our tactic to visit, and speak with/at Churches. We encourage especially all church going citizens to speak out at church, talk to a your church leaders and encourage them to be OPEN AND AFFIRMING


    We spoke today with someone who was a client of "Love in Action" three years ago.
    He is now a happily "out" christian, who understands that it is ok to be a homosexual and a christian, and live a healthy life.

    He told us about the program, and described some very horrific things that took place while he was apart of it.
    These things included "shaming sessions", where the clients have to, once a day, describe in emotional detail "sinful activities" they'd partaken in...these sessions were then extended to having to describe these things in front of 50 or 60 people on "friends and family" nights, where the family was encouraged to shame them, not be supportive.

    He also verififed that most of the staff of LIA are not certified to do any sort of therapy, and that he knows several former clients who've all left the program and since come out as as gay, who feel the program is emotionally damaging, and/or ineffective. He also infomred us that the program offered him no alternatives when he left, referred him no where else and only mentioned that they were there if he needed thiem.

    He said that the one reason he was glad he went through it was because he probably wouldn't be "out" otherwise.

    More to come on this, including a posted interview soon.

    Friday, June 10, 2005

    QAC and LIA in the Media

    Check out the streaming video of a Channel 5 in Memphis reporting on the protest and on LIA. Features interviews with members of LIA and QAC. Click on link and then click on "Scared Straight" to view the video.

    "Scared Straight"

    The group is using verse to war kids about alcohol, drugs, hygiene....and homosexual behavior. Tony McNary is live in the newsroom with details. The program is called "love in Action." The program itself is not new to Memphis. Its christian based philosophy focuses on...
    Last Modified 6/6/2005 11:21:00 PM

    DAY FIVE....

    So, the crowd has started to expand a bit....

    Day five of the protest included more parents with their kids, and people that had never been there before.
    Pictures posted soon.
    Contrasted to yesterday, with police, and conversation, LOVE IN ACTION seemed almost shut down today. We were informed by a source that has been going inside and interviewing them, that they had a staff meeting this morning. No clients arrived at Love in Action the entire time we were there...we left around around 10am.

    This could mean that they've changed their drop-off times. It could mean some clients have withdrawn. It could mean they've changed locations, or took the day off.
    I speculate these things, because it might call for a change in action. Because calling the cops yesterday didn't make us go away, they've most likely taken different steps, they obviously feel that our demonstration is "a problem"...A great contrast from day one when they were handing out water and engaging in conversation for the media to see them all out and smiling.

    We'll investigate and update information here if there are changes in the protest schedule.

    We need to educate people and spread the word. Print out the list of rules from their website, and simply show that list to people, that should be plainly enough to get someone out there, to spread the word, to get others involved.

    CHECK OUT EJ'S BLOG FOR GOOD INFO AND ENCOURAGEMENT: http://www.cherrybloss.org/

    pictures posted in a couple of hours...

    A Message to All Folks Affected by the Campaign

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    New and Old Photos

    For those of you that wish to check out the photos from the past four days, from this morning and from tomorrow's Memphis' 25th Annual Pride Parade please click on QAC Photos in the right hand links section. These will be updated often. Most photo credits go to MJF. If ayone else has photos to submit please e-mail them to fighting.homophobia@gmail.com. Also, comments will be allowed on this site for now, but we are strongly encouraging anyone intersted in back and forth discussions to visit the QAC Forum, also linked at right.


    Thursday, June 09, 2005

    Background From Other Sources

    June 9th, 200512:23 pm


    AS soon as people are arriving, the cops show up, they were called by one of the councilors. They instructed us we could not stand where we were and that we could not use a megaphone. We had prior "spoken knowledge" that even if a property didn't have a side walk, that the first ten feet of the property next to the street was public. The cops told us we were wrong. We moved, and then Janelle got on the phone with a few people, eventually with the city, who then informed us our knowledge was correct...and that the cops would have to call to get property inspector out there, we informed the police of this, and the police just left immediately. Bottom line, police often do not know the rules and will tell you one thing as a fact, and it's always good to check with someone in the city government to verify said things.

    Janelle then went and talked to the same councilor who called the cops, the conversation started out with him being a bit hostile, and then went on for a long time where we talked about our concerns with this place. He actually started that conversation by asking us if we knew "(an underage clients first name)"......She asked who that person was, repeating the clients name, and then he retorted, saying he didn't say that.

    He agreed that they are trying to persuade the clients, and that for the first two days the clients cannot speak. That's two 9-hour days, and potentially more days beyond that where the client cannot speak, ask questions, express concern, or state their wishes while the councilors push their beliefs onto the client. We discussed our "facts" about homosexuality, percentages, etc...and they greatly differ. Their percentages of how many gay people do this, or do that, or have this problem, or that problem are greatly inflated to any percentages that we've seen compiled over several decades...But these are the sort of figures they are using in justifying and attempting persuade the clients, beyond the idea that homosexuality is simply a lifestyle choice and a sin. He claimed that there is proof that you can change this "lifestyle choice", yet, of course, any of us can do some research and see how many people have spoken out to say that not only is there NO PROOF, but that attempts to do so are emotionally and psychologically damaging.

    More information backing all of this, below, but this is simply where they differ from the people who do not agree with what they're doing. They operate believing that what they are doing is showing the love that these people need. This is information everyone already knows, i know, I'm just still continually having to remind myself of the mindset behind this. They believe as strongly as others do. The damage is in the forcing it upon others when they don't want it. We demonstrate, spread the word, try to raise awareness, but what they do, their practice of "forcing it upon others" is behind closed doors, with very strict and considerably dehumanizing rules, and for a lot of money. This organization makes over 500,000 a year(approx), half from donations, and half from clients. Behind closed doors. Knowing how much this issue hurts people, and ruins people lives, we want the support of people going through this, not someone telling them/us that who they are is wrong. Their argument is that "that's not who they are", and living the "gay lifestyle" is what's wrong and is why they go through pain, as a sort of punishment. I know that myself, and others feel that the beliefs held by this organization ARE THE EXACT PROBLEM, the exact reason so many people go through a living hell.

    day three...
    Yesterday a man from the center came out in the afternoon to a small group of protestors and told them that what was on their sign's was all true, and that he didn't agree with some of the things that went on there, which is partly good to know b/c maybe people like that can help kids through the program without losing their minds, however, it's also a bit unnerving knowing that even some of the staff think it's practices aren't all great.

    Good stuff was said today. It was high energy, and more parents came out to show support.
    Why this quote is gone.

    PROTEST AT "LOVE IN ACTION".....day one

    Three news outlets showed up, look for stories tonight, especially the feature on channel thirteen.

    Around 30 folks remained at the entrance to "Love In Action" for about 2 and a half hours...many staff members came out, we dabated with them, and chanted things like "It's ok to be Gay" and "This Is What Love In Action Looks Like"...also..."If you're out and you're happy clap your hands".....We also read facts about the whole history and facts about these sort of organizations through a bullhorn...



    good facts to contradict bogus facts posted on Love In Action website
    All the ex-gay "poster children" have failed

    - John Paulk, the current ex-gay leader who was featured on the cover of Newsweek, was subsequently caught in a gay bar in Washington, DC at 11PM on a weeknight. Paulk first lied about why he was there, then later admitted that this wasn't his first visit to a gay bar.

    - Wade Richards, the former ex-gay teen leader, last year came out and said that he was not "cured" of his homosexuality and that the ex-gay movement is a bunch of bunk.

    - The two men who founded the ex-gay movement in the early 1970s subsequently quit the movement, and married each other.

    and also: Compiled by Janelle:


    The program THAT "saves gay people", etc.... is called "Love In Action" http://www.loveinaction.org
    The organization that runs this program is called "A Safe PLace" http://www.asafeplace.org/


    Homosexuality is a sexual expression of dependence upon another person for significance and value. It is also motivated by an inability to resolve emotional difficulties, which leads to addictive relational and sexual patterns.

    For example, lesbianism develops from an attempt to escape the fear of male abuse or hurt. Over 85% of the lesbian women contacting ex-gay ministries have been sexually abused or molested. Female homosexuality may also originate as a woman detaches from her feminine identity.

    A young girl seeking approval may find herself more affirmed when she adopts a masculine role, such as becoming "Daddy’s little helper" in an attempt to win his approval.

    I’ve also found that often lesbians lack a nurturing and caring relationship with their mother. Their adult relationships with other women are based on the eroticization of same-sex needs for affirmation and acceptance.

    False Image

    Today’s media gives a false perspective of homosexuality, such as showing two men or women committed to monogamy, with an appearance of mutual love and affirmation. In reality, thousands of gay men pursue hundreds of encounters each year. Even those in a "committed" relationship are often unfaithful.

    Relational addiction is common. Often it is hidden behind the façade of two men or women having an intimate friendship. What you don’t see is the hidden turmoil. There is often deep pain and loneliness.

    Relational addiction is more commonly called co-dependency or emotional dependency. These distorted relationships tend to destroy a person’s hope of having a godly friendship. Those caught in these patterns are usually dependent upon being needed, or depend on others for security and significance.