Queer Action Coalition

Thursday, June 30, 2005

John Smid Speaks Out on QAC's Offer

Thank you all for the letters of support and for e-mailing John Smid and Tommy Corman.
We have recieved a response to the inquiry abour our offer from Love In Action.

A supporter inquiring when LIA would accept our offer recieved the following response from John Smid:

"At Love In Action, we offer a conservative Christian viewpoint in which we believe that homosexual sex and romantic relationships are against scripture. Based upon the convictions of the parents who enroll their kids in our program, we offer them what they are seeking. The parent's guardianship is in place and we cooperate with them to bring their children what they are looking for.

There are other places where a young person can look in to other viewpoints.
As a matter of fact, I am sure they have already done that before coming here. I am quite certain that if a young man were to go to a QAC meeting no one there would suggest he look in to living a life free of homosexual relationships and to consider the possibility of healthy singleness or
(Emphasis ours.)

John J. Smid"

We thank John for his response, but have to wonder why our inquiries are ingnored while others get answered in haste. Perhaps because we're too old for Refuge?

A few questions I suggest e-mailing John about:

1. How does John know what a QAC meeting is like?
2. Why does he only reffer to young men when talking about this issue when his program also purports to "treat" women?
3. How is the testimony of John Paulk former leader of Exodus who was caught in a gay bar by Wayne Besen beneficial to the cause of Love in Action?
4. According to this page
There is no such thing as a homosexual! There are many individuals, however, who struggle intensely with homosexual temptation and addictive behavior. Once we get the message right, then we will be effective in ministering to those caught in this kind of deceptive bondage.
What is John's attitude towards those people that are engaging in homosexual behaviors but are content with their actions and are not struggling with "temptation and addictive behavior?"
5. Why does Love in Action continue to treat youth as beings competent and knowledgable enough to hear their message of shame and sin, but not competent enough to choose not to be in the program?

If you have any other questions you'd like to ask John make sure to also send a copy to fighting.homophobia@gmail.com.